Center for Security Analysis and Cooperation is a not-for-profit advisory that works on conflict, education, mediation and investment in West and Central Africa, The Sahel, A.E.S countries, Middle East and North Africa. We research, consult, train, report, monitor, educate and advise across sectors particularly in sensitive and conflict affected areas. We work with partners to produce animated series in both local and English language and trauma teddies for refugee and vulnerable host community children in conflict affected areas in the Middle East, Central & West Africa and A.E.S countries.
We provide strategic advisory, training, research, education, mediation services, and geopolitical analysis to governments, private companies, foundations, institutions, and international donors with a focus on West and Central Africa and the Sahel. We address the need to improve coordination between the public and private sectors, working in fragile areas and with local communities, and government level decision makers to improve security, educate, train and strengthen governance, improve corporate citizenship and facilitate investment.
We are Independent. Impartial. Inclusive.
Our staff and consultants are drawn from a broad spectrum of backgrounds including academia, civil society, diplomacy and media. CSAC staff, experts, and volunteers are based all over the world and provides in depth analysis of current geopolitical issues and emerging conflicts.
The Center for Security Analysis and Cooperation conducts security research, risk assessments and strategic training that prioritize people. We provide comprehensive analysis and recommendations supporting human security for communities, institutions, and organizations in protracted conflict affected areas.
C.S.A.C provides integrated training for the security sector and civil society to enhance mutual understanding, foster professional relations, give ownership and promote peace – building in fragile and complex environments including conflict post conflict and transition states
Center For Security Analysis and Cooperation advises on Security Sector Reform and Governance and the challenges faced in the Demobilization, Disarmament and Re - integration (D.D.R) of ex-combatants. We provide community impact assessments together with preventative measures for dealing with violent extremism, alienation, and radicalization.